We work with many great partners in Botswana and southern Africa. Our partners our crucial to the success of our mission.
Our partners
We collaborate and work with the following partners:
BOCONGO members

BOCONGO works with NGOs and other stakeholders to strengthen the NGO sector through coordinating the sector’s contributions to development in Botswana and beyond by delivering capacity development and facilitating platforms for effective communication between members and key stakeholders.

The Botswana Network of AIDS Service Organizations (BONASO) is the umbrella body for AIDS service organizations in Botswana. BONASO coordinates the response to HIV/AIDS, facilitates an enabling environment for HIV/AIDS Non Governmental Organizations, mobilises resources for its members, strengthens the capacity of NGOs and CBOs, serves as a mouth piece for all its members, facilitates sharing of information, experiences and best practices.
Botswana Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS

The Vision of BONEPWA+ is to live positively and reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS at the household and at the national levels by the year 2016.
District Multi-Sectoral AIDS Committee

The District Multi-Sectoral AIDS Committee (DMSAC) is a key component of the Botswana government’s response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Recognizing that HIV/AIDS affects people across all societal divides, and that a broad comprehensive approach is needed to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic, DMSAC was created as a forum to bring together stakeholders from all sectors.
DSS (Department of Social Services)

The Botswana Department of Social Services (DSS) oversees disaster relief, manages rural development, manages forestry, provides for school transportation in rural areas, and funds rural education programs.
French Embassy in Botswana

The French Embassy in Botswana provides support for our programs and activities.
Lady Khama Charitable Trust

The purpose of the Trust is to support charitable organizations that focus on helping less fortunate and vulnerable Botswana women and children.
Marang Child Care

Marang Child Care Network Trust was established to complement existing government efforts to strengthen NGO technical capacity to work with Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC). The focus was motivated by the understanding that many NGO/CBO/FBO lack capacity and technical skills to effectively implement OVC programs due to inadequate skilled manpower and financial constraints.
National AIDS & Health Promotion Agency (NAHPA)

NAHPA exists to coordinate national response through a sustained multi-sectoral partnership to prevent new HIV infections and a burden of non-communicable diseases.
Shona Equip (South Africa)

Shonaquip Social Enterprise (SSE) enables the inclusion of children with disabilities and their families across Southern Africa.
United States Peace Corps

The Peace Corps is an independent agency and program of the United States government that trains and deploys volunteers to provide international development assistance. The goal of the Peace Corps is to assist developing countries by providing skilled workers in fields such as education, health, entrepreneurship, women’s empowerment, and community development.